Barkai Center for Practical Rabbinics

  • Transparency rating
    Categories of Activities:
  • Synagogues
  • Bridging Social Divides
  • Religion
  • Publications
  • Education

The Center aims to improve Israeli society by intensively training Israeli rabbis in all aspects of communal rabbinics so that they can lead their communities to a more meaningful connection with Judaism and act as a unifying force is Israeli society

We believe that Israeli communities can be better-stronger, more caring, more interconnected. In order for Israeli Jews to feel connected to their country and each other, they need to share a common culture. That can only happen when there is spiritual leadership to make it happen.

Barkai will train ordained Religious Zionist rabbis to become communal professionals with a skill set that includes family counseling, practical halacha, mediation, coaching and the like to the benefit if all Jews living in Israel.

Jewry abroad has benefited from communal. In recent years, Israelis have come to see the value as well. Communities are seeking out rabbis appropriate to them and Israeli rabbis who did not grow up with the community-oriented approach are seeking the expertise they need to fill this crucial role.

The Zionist, Modern Orthodox communal rabbi is a bridge- connecting Jewish communities and connecting people to their own heritage.
Barkai is making it happen.

Certificate of Good Standing
(Nihul Takin)
Financial Report (last tax year)   
Certificate of Financial Accounting
(Ishur Nihul Pinkasei Chesbonot)
Annual Report (last tax year) - Hebrew   
Certificate of tax-deductibility at source (Ishur Nikui Mas b'Makor)   
Annual Report (last tax year) - English   
Classification as non-profit organization (Sivug Malcar)   
Anticipated Budget (this coming year) - Hebrew   
Non-standard articles of incorporation
(Takanon Meuchad)
Anticipated Budget (this coming year) - English