The Kupath Rabbi Meir Headquarters In Jerusalem
Currently managed by Rabbi Moshe B. Borzikowsky, and his dedicated volunteers, the headquarters in Jerusalem looks pretty much the way it did in the nineteenth century. It’s located on the second floor of a Jerusalem stone building overlooking Meah Shearim Street. The offices are still small and sparsely furnished, and lined with decades of meticulous records. Every so often, a caller comes up the ancient stairs to meet with the administrators. All are treated respectfully and patiently; it’s impossible to know which are the donors and which are the beneficiaries.
A Global Effort, A Global Mitzva
With Kupath Rabbi Meir offices around the globe, the incredible zchus (merit) of supporting the poor of Eretz Yisrael is accessible to just about anyone.
With close to 40 offices as far away as Australia, Gibraltar, France and across North America, Kupath Rabbi Meir remains a reliable conduit for those who wish to see their charity funds reach the right address.
After Two Centuries, Kupath Rabbi Meir Has It All Worked Out
Kupath Rabbi Meir is an organization built on trust. We believe in minimal overhead. That means no fancy offices. Simple campaigns. Targeted, low-cost fundraising. Recruiting volunteers for manpower. Ascertaining the true needs of thousands of individuals. Giving genuine help where it counts most.
A Charity Organization Must Be Organized!
That’s because we’re working with other people’s hard earned money, and we owe it to them to see that every penny is used well. The board of directors is consulted about any issue that comes up and they have full access to all the financial records. To maintain the dignity of the recipients, their personal information is kept private but the transactions are open for review.
Today’s Donors Get The Same Benefits As Their Ancestors
For over 200 years, the holy zchus of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness has advocated on behalf of our donors. The kollel members regularly take lists of donor names and pray for them at the kever. Though much time has passed, Rabbi Meir Baal Haness’s influence certainly has not lessened, as evidenced in the words of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, ztz”l.
Kupath Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes“During the Knessiya Hagdolah (1964) in Yerushalayim, Kupath Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Kolel Polin invited the Gedolim and dignitaries from all over the world to a lunch. At the lunch the Ozorover Rebbe zt”l spoke and said: “I have a tradition from my holy fathers, about the great benefit of this tzedakah for the poor of Eretz Yisroel. However, I am afraid to reveal the exalted matter, for if I do other charitable institutions would be deprived of funds. If everyone knew the great importance of this tzedakah, they would give all their contributions to it in order to merit the enormous zechusim, both spiritual and physical, that are channeled through it!”
When the Ozorover Rebbe finished speaking, Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l who was sitting next to him asked him to explain his words, as the Rebbe whisperingly explained, Reb Moshe got up and said: “I cannot reveal what I just heard, but I recommend wholeheartedly donating generously to the Tzedokoh of Reb Meir Baal Haness, because you cannot fathom the tremendous zechus!”