Meta - The Consciousness Development Association (R.A)

  • Transparency rating
    Categories of Activities:
  • Health
  • Education
  • Community Centers
  • Social Action

Meta-The Consciousness Development Association was established to promote the study and practice of conscious awareness and make it accessible to the general public, with the aim of realizing every person’s full potential.

Meta-The Consciousness Development Association was founded by Fraidy Margalit, the founder of the “Metaism Methodology” and the head of a growing community that has been leading the field of conscious awareness in Israel for a decade. The center was established together with her partner and visioner, Elimor Henig, along with a group of selected alumni, who implement the conscious awareness methodology daily and seek to

Certificate of Good Standing
(Nihul Takin)
Financial Report (last tax year)   
Certificate of Financial Accounting
(Ishur Nihul Pinkasei Chesbonot)
Annual Report (last tax year) - Hebrew   
Certificate of tax-deductibility at source (Ishur Nikui Mas b'Makor)   
Annual Report (last tax year) - English   
Classification as non-profit organization (Sivug Malcar)   
Anticipated Budget (this coming year) - Hebrew   
Non-standard articles of incorporation
(Takanon Meuchad)
Anticipated Budget (this coming year) - English