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IDF Widows & Orphans Organization

IDF Widows and Orphans Organization is a non-profit organization that was established in 1991 as the sole organization recognized by the State of Israel to represent the widows and orphans of Israel’s fallen soldiers.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Orr Shalom for Israeli Children at Risk

Orr Shalom is Israel’s largest non-profit organization providing residential and therapeutic services to children who have been removed from their homes due to severe abuse and neglect.

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  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Neta Erez

To assist in the establishment of a kindergarten/kindergartens and a home/schools based on Rudolf Steiner's fundamentally anthroposophical approach to education called "Waldorf" in the Negev region. To initiate and assist in establishing

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Patrizio Paoletti Foundation for Development and Communication (Healing Space and Youth of Light)

The Patrizio Paoletti Association empowers communities through education and holistic healing. Key projects include Youth of Light and Healing Space Rishpon, addressing at-risk youth and trauma survivors to foster resilience and transformation.

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  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Mivtza Hibuk/Operation Embrace (R.A.)

Assist and support injured survivors of terror attacks in Israel with individual, group and community programs and projects.

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  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Horsha School Friends

.an elementary school for autistic children and children with communication disabilities Horsha is the largest school in the north of Israel and serves almost 100 students, ages 6-21 years.

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  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Kids Kicking Cancer Israel (R.A.)

To ease the pain of very sick children while empowering them to heal physically, spiritually and emotionally

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  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Hadassah Neurim Youth Village

On a magical cliff kissing the Mediterranean Sea rests Hadassah Neurim Youth Village, a unique educational village which includes a boarding school, a technical school and a college. The village was founded in 1948 by Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Or

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Hassadna Jerusalem Music Conservatory

The Conservatory’s mission is to provide each student with an individualized program best maximizing the child’s artistic and personal development. We are fully committed to ensuring that each child benefits from the program of study best suited to

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Shir For Life


  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in the US
Donor Review:

Agricultural Union of Youth Movement (Tnuat Ha'Noar Shel Ha'Ihud Ha'Haklay)

The Agricultural Union youth movement is a non-partisan youth movement, founded in 1978 as a subsidiary movement of the Agricultural Union. The youth movement currently numbers about 10,000 children and teenagers and 100 volunteers who serve and work

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

AKIM Israel

To make Israel a better place for people with intellectual disabilities: a warm, inclusive & respectful society, enabling self-actualization & offering equal opportunity while recognizing diversity.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Chimes Israel

To do all we can to improve the quality of life of people with special needs from every community, every day, through providing cutting edge professional services delivered by a well-trained and supervised, caring staff.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Shluvim, Registered Association

The Shluvim Registered Associationhas been working since 2004 from its offices located in Sderot. The majority of its employees including office staff and therapists live and work in Sderot and the Gaza Belt area. During normal times,

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

social responsibility Association

We work to ensure that no baby in Israel goes hungry. With a network of over 120 localities and 500+ volunteers, we provide baby food to 1,000 families monthly and collaborate with organizations to reach an additional 1,200 babies every month.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Shalva, the Israel Association for Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities is dedicated to providing transformative care for individuals with disabilities, empowering their families and promoting social inclusion.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Meta - The Consciousness Development Association (R.A)

Meta-The Consciousness Development Association was established to promote the study and practice of conscious awareness and make it accessible to the general public, with the aim of realizing every person’s full potential.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Telem - Kibbutzim stations for treatment of child

Telem is a network for psychological treatment and diagnosis, leading and advancing in Israel. Telem believes in continuous improvement in the quality of life for its clients, while nurturing excellence and professionalism among its therapists.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:


תמיכה בילדים, נוער ומשפחותיהם המאושפזים במרכזי בריאות הנפש

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  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Bat Melech

העמותה שמה למטרה לסייע בכל דרך לנשים דתיות הסובלות מאלימות במשפחה, כדי להעניק אפשרות לכל אשה באשר היא, לממש את עצמה כאדם וכאשה ולא להיות מושפלת או מוגבלת בדרך כלשהי, פיזית, נפשית או כלכלית

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

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