IsraelGives | Israel's Giving Site, Since 2009. Support Charities and Campaigns in Israel.


Donate stock to Israel

Since 2009, over 500,000 donors have trusted IsraelGives to donate to Israel. With IsraelGives, you can donate tax-deductibly online by credit card or PayPal, by check, bank transfer, by gift voucher, donor-advised fund, or through stock.
Donating Stock to Israel
Get more of your money to Israel, and save on capital gains taxes, by donating stock to Israel. Instead of cashing out your stocks and then donating those funds, you can provide 25% more to Israel by donating the stock itself.

We make it easy to donate securities and mutual funds. Learn how it works:

Let's say you purchased common shares in ABC Company for a cost of $1,000 and a few years later they now have a current market value of $5,000. You would have a capital gain of $4,000.

The chart below illustrates what happens if you sell the shares and then donate the after-tax proceeds and what happens if you donate the shares directly using IsraelGives.

By donating shares directly, you get a larger tax credit and give more to the charity you care about.

How can I donate stock?
Contact us by phone, email, or live chat by clicking on the button to your right, and we'll provide you with the details of our Fidelity investment account. You can transfer the ownership of the stock online, and you'll receive a fully tax-deductible receipt for the market value of the stock at the moment of transfer.

If you're an American, you'll receive the tax-receipt from America Gives, Inc., a US 501c3 public charity. If you're Canadian, you'll receive the tax-receipt from Canada Charity Partners, a Canadian charity. And if you're British, you'll receive the tax-receipt from UK Gives, a British charity.

1. This assumes a 46% marginal tax rate. For calculating capital gains tax, this rate is applied to 50% of the capital gain.
2. $4,080 represents the full value of $5,000 minus estimated tax of $920.
3. We charge a 3% fee, and your charity receives 97% of the stock value.

These are general figures for the purpose of illustration. They do not constitute legal or financial advice. We strongly encourage you to seek professional legal and/or financial advice before deciding upon your donation to charity.