IsraelGives | Israel's Giving Site, Since 2009. Support Charities and Campaigns in Israel.


Partner with IsraelGives

Become an IsraelGives partner and raise funds for Israel's nonprofits and charitable causes.
POST Method
Create your own donation form or payment product, but pass your donor on to IsraelGives to handle the payment itself, using the POST method. Click here to learn more.
IsraelGives API
Create your own website or app, and leave the processing to us. Use the IsraelGives API to process online donations by credit card or PayPal to any of Israel's over 40,000 non-profit organizations. Accept donations in 17 global currencies, and all donations in US dollars, Canadian dollars, and British pounds are tax-deductible. You build your project, and leave the processing to us!

To view our API documentation, click here.
IsraelGives iframe
Like our API, but without having to worry about PCI-compliance. Use the IsraelGives iframe, and process payments without exposing yourself to credit card and other sensitive payment information.
Partner Program
Want to earn money while promoting Israeli charities? Join the IsraelGives Partner Program. In the program, if you bring a donor to donate to a non-profit organization, you're able to share in part of the donation, to compensate you for your fundraising expenses. To learn more about this program, email us.