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Click to show only organizations that are tax-deductible in: Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel

Beit Yossi

Beit Yossi, A therapeutic home for children and families, was founded in the year 2000 in memory of Captain Yossi Ohana. Beit Yossi designed to return hope to the lives of children and families at risk, in crisis and in distress.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:


The Menachem Begin Heritage Foundation works to ensure that the heritage, values and spirit of Menachem Begin are instilled in future generations.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Maglan Friends Foundation

Helping Active Duty and Veterans, preserving the spirit of volunteerism and giving among the unit graduates, and helping to integrate them as part of the state of Israel's business, public, and social leadership in the present and future.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

The Yuri Stern Holistic Assistance Center For Cancer Survivors

The Yuri Shtern foundation was established in order to commemorate the memory of the late MK Yuri Shtern. The foundation operates the Holistic Center for Cancer Patients.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Memorial Museum of Hungarian Speaking Jewry

The Museum documents and displays the historical and cultural heritage of he Jews of Hungary and its surroundings.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel and the US
Donor Review:

The Koby Mandell Foundation

The Koby Mandell Foundation provides theraputic program for families and individuals who have lost an immdeiate family member to terror and other tragedies

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Tali Beyad Rama"h

Tali B’Yad Rama is an NGO that funds fertility treatments for couples who long for children but cannot afford the steep fees associated with treatment. This request seeks to provide IVF treatments for 85 Israeli couples.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Havatzelet Institute for Culture and Education of Hashomer Hatzair - Givat Haviva

We aims to build an inclusive, socially cohesive society in Israel by engaging divided communities in collective action towards the advancement of a thriving Israeli democracy based on mutual responsibility, civic equality and shares vision.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:


Establishing Sports Entertainment Regional Commemoration of Eyal Shimoni Z. ml. Construction and building gym and a swimming pool and a heated therapeutic pool Hidrotrafih treatment, individual and group coaching disabled children integration with th

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

The Association for the Commemoration of Bat-Chen Shahak

The association’s goals : Promoting peace – encouraging meetings between Arabs and Jews, nurturing dialogue and rejecting violence. Fostering literacy through educational endeavors in creative writing.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Organization for mutual aid in memory of captain Yossi Levi

The organization aids families in financial needs, funds scholarships for higher education, assists victims of the war, and supports our local first responders.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

mitzpe gvulot

Study the history of early settlement in the western Negev

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Jeremy's Circle (R.A)

Jeremy's Circle is a volunteer support community that organizes free family fun-day events for children with a parent or sibling with cancer, or who have experienced a cancer loss in their immediate family.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Light for everyone

Light for All, established in 2020, dedicates itself to supporting vulnerable groups within our community. Over the years, we've aided families and individuals in need. In memory of Or, a cherished friend and brother lost three years ago, we continue

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:


The foundation was establishes at 2004, her objectives are to promote cycling in all levels (professional, amateur and hobbies. Another main objective is to commemorate Giora Tsachor R.I.P who was killed while riding his bike at 2012

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Nahal Fallen soldiers commemoration Association

העמותה להנצחת חללי הנח"ל הוקמה בכוונה להנציח את הבנים שנפלו במערכות ישראל ובעת שרותם הצבאי. בסיוע מפקדת פיקוד הנח"ל ומשרד הבטחון הוקם אתר הנצחה בפרדס חנה, מקום להתייחדות משפחות הנופלים, מקום בו אפשר יהיה לחנך את הדורות הצעירים על מורשת הנח"ל.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:


We believe that we, the descendants of Holocaust survivors, have a unique obligation to pass on their story. We owe it to our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, who went through hell and against all odds, came back to pick up the piece

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Beit knest lev givat zeev

Building a synagogue , initiating social activities. Establishing the memory of Major Eliraz Peretz.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Netivot Noam The Pleasantness In The Talmud

תורניים. עידוד וקידום למידה, הקניית ידע, ומחקר בנושא השואה, באמצעות הרצאות, כתיבת עבודות, ומלגות לתלמידים מיעוטי יכולת לצורך השתתפות במסעות שורשים לפולין, תוך דגש על אמונה וגבורת הרוח היהודית כפי שבאה לידי ביטוי בשנות השואה ולאחריה.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:


To provide all types of help and support to the members of the Kolel. Establishment and maintenance of Synagogues, schools, and workshops for Kolel members

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

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