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The Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue

The Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue is an interreligious organization based in Jerusalem which promotes an inclusive society for all religious, ethnic and national groups.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, and the UK
Donor Review:

Road to Recovery

Road To Recovery is an organization of volunteers seeking to bridge the divide with an initiative of hope by driving Palestinian patients, requiring medical treatment in Israeli hospitals, to and from the crossings into Israel.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Sindyanna of Galilee

Sindyanna of Galilee is a female-led Arab-Jewish non-profit that actively promotes the concepts of “business for peace” and Fair Trade in Israel. We achieve this by selling Arab producers’ products in the international marketplace.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

The Parents Circle Families Forum

The Parents Circle Families Forum is a joint organization of 700 Israeli and Palestinian bereaved members who have lost a dear one to the conflict. Wanting to save others from such loss, they are .committed to jointly calling for reconciliation

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

SquashBond Israel - Sport and Beyond

SquashBond's mission is to utilize the game of squash to promote equality, socio-economic mobility and to build a shared society. Our students learn to value a healthy lifestyle, to embrace challenges, pursue excellence and to become agents of change

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Shaal - Peace Now for Israel Educational Enterprises

S.H.A'.A.L. - Peace Now for Israel Educational Enterprises is the largest extra-parliamentary movement in Israel, the country’s oldest peace movement, and the only peace group to have a broad public base.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

torat rachel

עזרה לניזקקים עידוד ותמיכה טיפול במשפחות עם בעיות

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:


MachsomWatch is an all-volunteer movement of Israeli women, who are against the Israeli Occupation and oppose the violation of Palestinian rights to move freely on their lands.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Two States One Homeland

Activity to expand support for the movement’s proposed solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Meetings & events with the public, opinion leaders & policy makers. Research & op-eds in the Israeli & foreign press, media interview

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

the Etty Hillesum Young Voices Ensemble for youth at risk in mixed cities

The Etty Hillesum Youth Theater is a non-profit organization that aims to provide a protected space for youth at risk in Israel's mixed cities

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Return O' Israel to Sovereignty

An Israel-based non profit whose mission is to normalize, integrate, and strengthen Israel's Heartland of Judea, Samaria, Binyamin and the Jordan Valley. We work with all players across the board from political leaders & organizational heads.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in the US, and UK
Donor Review:

Association of Academies - Kfar Qasim

Strengthen higher education for school students. framework for facilitating services for students and institutions of higher education and helping Arab society students overcome the barriers. Strengthening belonging to society and giving voluntarily.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Etgar - Conflict Transformation Association

Challenge is an Israeli NGO, formed in 2010 to promote Conflict Transformation within both the Israeli and Palestinian arenas.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

A New Way Is Possible Otherwise

"A New Way" generates a change on a grassroots people to people level, enabling Jews & Arabs to meet directly through educational processes, replacing fear and prejudice with a deep commitment to multicultural collaborations and shared society

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Tzofim Israel Scouts

Tzofim ( Israeli Scouts) is a multicultural organization that educates Israel’s youth to self reliance, self confidence, social responsibility and leadership in the spirit of pluralistic society and Zionism.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Center for Advancement of Peace Initiatives

CAPI is an Israeli-registered non-profit organization working to promote peace and coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians mostly in the city of Jerusalem.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in the US, and UK
Donor Review:

The Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security

The Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security (JISS) provides counsel to Israel’s leaders; educates the Israeli public and foreign policymakers on Israel’s security dilemmas; advances pragmatic policies that keep Israel strong.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:


Blue White Future (BWF) is a non-partisan, non-profit political initiative founded in 2009. We offer a new paradigm for the political process which governs the attempts to reach a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Method and Wisdom

Promote peace in the hearts of individuals, communities and nations, through the use of timely Methods combined with timeless Wisdom.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

NICAT - Northern Israel Center for Arts and Technology (R.A.)

מרכז ראשון מסוגו בארץ המציע קורסים וסדנאות בתחומים אומנותיים וטכנולוגיים באוירה ייחודית וחושף בפני הלומדים בו אפשרויות חדשות בתחום האישי והתעסוקתי . שאיפתנו לחזק את הלכידות החברתית במרחב המשותף.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

1 2 3 4 5