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Click to show only organizations that are tax-deductible in: Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel

Temple Institute

Temple Institute is dedicated to all aspects of the Divine Commandment to Build a House of Prayer for all Nations

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada and the UK
Donor Review:


Our mission is to support people affected by humanitarian crisis. We partner with local communities around the world to provide urgent aid, assist in recovery, and reduce the risk of future disasters.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:


StandWithUs is an international, non-profit organization. We believe that education is the road to peace. StandWithUs is dedicated to informing the public about Israel and to combating the extremism and Antisemitism that often distorts the issues.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Australia and the UK
Donor Review:


EcoOcean mission is to empower people to care for the marine and coastal environment of Israel and the region.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

The Legal Forum for Israel

The Legal Forum for Israel is an organization acting to preserve the values of democracy, create a balance between the three governmental authorities, defending human rights and defending Israel's interests in the national and international arena.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Tsevet Lohamim

Tsevet Lohamim (צוות לוחמים) is a NPO founded in 2010. Our goal is to nurture new Israeli immigrants (Olim Chadashim) and Israeli youth at risk into becoming the future leaders of Israel

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

CHEN Patient fertility Association

“CHEN” was established in order to assist people with fertility problems in Israel.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Shema Yisrael - Ohr Olam

Bringing the Torah from Judea to the World. Our mission is to strengthen Israel and transform Judea into a global destination.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Israel Swimming Association

איגוד השחייה בישראל מאגד תחתיו עשרות רבות של אגודות שחייה מקיים תחרויות מוכרות בינ"ל מקדם את השחייה ההישגית בארץ ובעולם.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

European Leadership Network - ELNET

ELNET strengthens relations between Europe and Israel based on shared democratic values and common strategic interests, conducting educational programs and building relationships between senior European and Israeli decisionmakers and opinion leaders.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, and the UK
Donor Review:

NGO Monitor

NGO Monitor provides information and analysis, promotes accountability, and supports discussion on the reports and activities of NGOs (non-governmental organizations) claiming to advance human rights and humanitarian agendas. information submitted.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Yahel -Israel Service Learning

Yahel's mission is to respectfully assist communities in Israel while inspiring young adults to build a relationship with Israel and develop skills for a life of civic engagement

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel and the US
Donor Review:


NALA is an Israeli INGO focusing on the prevention of diseases of poverty stemming from lack of access to clean water and adequate sanitation. Together with governments and communities we design 90% local solutions that reduce disease prevalence by

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:


To monitor the news for inaccuracies, biases and journalistic breaches pertaining to Israel and to educate the public to identify such breaches.

  • Transparency rating:
Donor Review:

The Shabbat Project

The Shabbat Project Amuta was formed to manage all activities of the global Shabbat Project to create social and educational programs to reconnect Israeli's with Jewish heritage and connect Israeli's to Jewish Diaspora.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Jerusalem Press Club

The Jerusalem Press Club (JPC) is a private club which offers foreign correspondents everything they need: Access to Israeli decision-makers and experts, great content and top professional facilities

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Torah MiTzion

Torah MiTzion was founded in 1996 to establish a global network of community-based and online Torah Learning Centers - Batei Midrash, where we invite and enable every Jew to learn and engage with their own Jewish heritage

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel
Donor Review:

Kids Creating Peace

 Empowering kids with practical tools which help them make better choices; learn benefits of personal and social responsibility and creating peace within themselves and with others

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Combatants for Peace

OUR GOALS are: To raise the consciousness in both publics regarding the hopes and suffering of the other side, and to create partners in dialogue. To educate towards reconciliation and non-violent struggle in both the Israeli and Palestinian soc

  • Transparency rating:
Donor Review:


עמותת "אפריכאן" הוקמה בשנת 2021 על ידי קצינים משוחררים שטיילו בצפון טנזניה במהלך טיולם לאחר הצבא. התאהבו בקסמו של הכפר מלינדי ותושביו וחזרו למחוז בשנית על מנת לפעול לשיפור המצב בו.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

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