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Tzuriman Association - A Non Profit Organization for supporting, promoting and preventing risky behaviors for youth in the Golan Heights. The association was established with the aim of putting the youth at the center

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  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Mivtza Hibuk/Operation Embrace (R.A.)

Assist and support injured survivors of terror attacks in Israel with individual, group and community programs and projects.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

SquashBond Israel - Sport and Beyond

SquashBond's mission is to utilize the game of squash to promote equality, socio-economic mobility and to build a shared society. Our students learn to value a healthy lifestyle, to embrace challenges, pursue excellence and to become agents of change

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

miteiman yavo

Help the Yemeni community by connecting with the heritage of the holy Torah

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Sapir Academic College

Sapir College’s Mission is to provide students, with high-quality and accessible college education which offers transformative economic and social mobility.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Neta Erez

To assist in the establishment of a kindergarten/kindergartens and a home/schools based on Rudolf Steiner's fundamentally anthroposophical approach to education called "Waldorf" in the Negev region. To initiate and assist in establishing

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Patrizio Paoletti Foundation for Development and Communication (Healing Space and Youth of Light)

The Patrizio Paoletti Association empowers communities through education and holistic healing. Key projects include Youth of Light and Healing Space Rishpon, addressing at-risk youth and trauma survivors to foster resilience and transformation.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:


תנועת אור הוקמה בשנת 2002 במטרה לקדם את מדינת ישראל ולהפוך אותה למדינה שהכי טוב לחיות בה, מתוך הסתכלות ארוכת-טווח לשנת המאה של המדינה הלא היא שנת 2048. במסגרת כך, חרטנו על דגלנו את חזון “ישראל 2048 – עתיד משותף” להפיכת הנגב והגליל למרכזי חיים עצמא

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Bona Jerusalem

ארגון ומתן/הפעלת שיעורים/חוגים/שיעורי עזר/מועדוניות לתושבי שכנות נוף ציון וסביבתה . בנוסף פעילות חסד וגמ"ח בשכונה.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Organic Israel

Organic Israel is a non-profit organization that was founded to promote organic farming and reduce the use of pesticides in the agricultural, urban and roadside. We focus on implementing and educating sustainable agricultural practices.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Mosdot Ohel Shimon - Keren Abraham

עמותה של תורה וחסד

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in the US, and UK
Donor Review:

2141 Company Commanders Club

A non-profit organization dedicated to harnessing the unique talents of Israel's Combat Company Commanders to contribute to the future prosperity of the State of Israel.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Points of Contact: Volunteer Matchmaking Ltd (CC)

Points of Contact: Volunteer Matchmaking Ltd. (CC) coordinates an all-volunteer group that arranges introductions between Jewish English-speakers for Jewish marriage according to halakha. We serve those from all communities and levels of observance.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Jaialim del Asado

We asked ourselves how we could best help our beloved soldiers? How could we thank them for watching over our children? We know how to make 'Asado'! (Argentinian barbecue that would be our way of pampering them, hugging them, and smiling at them.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in the US, and UK
Donor Review:

Judaism For All

YHC The Yaakov Herzog Center for Jewish Identity is a home for engaging with Jewish identity and fostering connections between various identities within Israeli society through study, dialogue, and initiatives for social change.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

barditshov institutions

"The Or Yisrael Gemach” The Synagogue - Torah classes and kiruv thoughout Israel

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

Project 24

P24 utilizes the skills, connections, and knowledge of Jews in the diaspora to create self-empowering projects that address the real life needs of those affected by October 7 events and the 'Iron Swords' war.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:


Shacharut is a nonprofit community organization that operates in Yoqneam Illite. Its goal is to strengthens the local community. Shacharut nonprofit organization has a variety of programs that address different populations.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the EU and the UK
Donor Review:

Sadnaot Habait

Sadnaot Habait is the largest creative writing school in Israel founded by writer Eshkol Nevo and Poetess Orit Gidali. The school desires to promote the power of the written word, as a channel for social change and to foster a community of writers.

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

For Jordan

The association was established in order to carry out operations in Israel and abroad that will promote the return of the kidnapped and murdered, who are in the hands of the terrorist organization Hamas, to support them and their families

  • Transparency rating:
  • Donations are tax-deductible in Canada, the US, the EU, Australia and UK
Donor Review:

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